Food Items & Beverages

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We have discovered food like science and explored it like art. What started as the first step towards civilisation has now become the wheels of our survival. With a huge international market, the supply of the right items as per their demand is important, and that’s exactly what we have set out to do. We deal in the below food items:



Being long, thin, solid and cylindrical in shape, Spaghetti is the most widely known pasta. With more than 10 types of dishes, it is quite popular amongst a lot of Asian countries. We source superlative Spaghetti from Egypt and deliver it to Mozambique.


Tomato Paste

Tomato is an edible berry but it’s generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable. It is tangy, juicy and often red in colour. It’s the world’s most popular fruit with more than 60 million tons produced each year and often stored as a paste. We source premium Tomato paste from China and deliver it to Mozambique.



Margarine is a spread used for flavouring, baking and cooking that was first made in 19th Century France. It’s a processed food that is designed to taste and look similar to butter. It is often recommended as a heart-healthy replacement. We source the first-class Margarine China and deliver it to Mozambique.



Rice is a cereal grain that is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world’s human population, especially in Asia and Africa. It marks the third-highest worldwide production. We source rich rice from Pakistan and Indonesia, and deliver to Mozambique.


Milk Powder

Milk powder is made by evaporating milk after reducing moisture content from it. It is evaporated milk, which is further condensed and processed. It is a popular substitute for milk owing to its easy consumption, storage and handling.



Yeast is a micro-organism made up of a single-celled fungus. The scientific name that bakers use for yeast is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, or “sugar-eating fungus.” It is generally found on the leaves of plants, flowers, fruits and in the soil as well. It is a famous cooking ingredient for baked dishes.



A biscuit is a small quick, crispy bread generally made from the ingredients like flour, salt, butter, and with a baking powder as a leavening agent. The dough is then rolled out, and biscuits are cut or dropped from a spoon for an irregular shape.


Mixed Juices & Pulps

Juice is a drink made from the extraction of natural liquid that contains fruit and vegetables. While the pulp is the dense, residual version of the fruits and vegetables, once the juice is filtered out. Juice is usually consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient in foods or other beverages and pulp is usually removed from the fruit juice by filtering it out.



A beverage or a drink is a liquid refreshment other than water such as tea, coffee, milk, hot chocolate, soft drinks, etc. A beverage plays an important role in human culture as it is intended for consumption by masses on a daily routine, for ages.


Condensed Milk

Condensed milk is a cow’s milk that is extracted by removing water from it. It is mostly found in the form of sweetened condensed milk by adding sugar. It looks and tastes different from regular milk. It is majorly used in various dessert dishes, sweet-savoury foods, fudge, candies, waffles, and baked goods.


Red Bull

A Red Bull is an energy-boosting drink, first sold by an Austrian company created in 1987 by Red Bull Gmbh. It is a mixture of sugar, synthetic caffeine, taurine and several B vitamins, which are very well known for their energy promoting qualities.



Tang is an American drink formulated by William A. Mitchell, a General Foods Corporation scientist in 1957. It was then marketed in powdered form in 1959. It is sold in both powdered and liquid-concentrate form and is available in a variety of flavours.



The ‘sauce’ is a French word derived from the Latin ‘salsa’, which means salted. In cooking, a sauce is a liquid or semi-liquid substance that is served with the food to add flavours to it. They are one of the primary elements in numerous cuisines all over the world.



A spice is a seed, fruit, or other plant substance first or foremost used for flavouring or colouring the food. They are differentiated from herbs, which are leaves, flowers or stems of plants used for garnishing the food. The most common spices are cloves, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric or coriander.